Feature content editor

Feature content editor

With Cucumber for Jira, you can create or edit a feature by writing its content using Gherkin syntax.

After creating a feature issue, you should be able to access the Feature content section and start to edit your feature:

Many languages are supported:

Also edition is easier with the keywords autocompletion.

Download feature content:

When your feature is ready, you can download its content:

Update feature content from living documentation:

The feature content can be reset to what already exists in the living documentation (synchronized with git repository). To do so, a banner is shown on the top of the editor to notify there is a change with the one in the Living documentation when:

  • the feature issue is already linked to a feature in the living documentation


  • the feature content in the editor is different than the feature content in the living documentation

Pressing Revert content link opens a modal to show both feature content versions.

To confirm, click on Update button, then the feature issue content will be updated with the content of the feature coming from the living documentation.



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